UTI tea 50g




Tea specifically to banish symptoms of urinary tract infection which may include:

  • urgency to pee
  • urinary frequency
  • incomplete emptying
  • burning with urination
  • temperature/ fever
  • back ache

The immediate use of this tea could offset the need for antibiotics

Dose: for acute symptoms: 1 teaspoon of herb in a cup of boiled water (approx 300ml), infused 5-10 minutes. Drank 3-4 times per day until symptoms abate.

Prophylaxis dose: as above, 1 cup daily

Could also help with urinary symptoms in association with perimenopause or menopause


Arctostaphylos uva ursi

Barosma betulina

Equisetum arvens

Althea officinalis folia

Zea Mays